British Legion Poppy Appeal

Quotes, Aphorisms, Laws, and Thoughts
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Mac Plus running After Dark™

1696 quotes by 573 authors in 136 categories

This collection of quotes started life in the early nineties for an After Dark™ screen saver module. The quotes had to be short enough to fit on a 9" Macintosh screen and pithy enough to warrant the trouble of typing them in.

To allow a wider distribution, a slow conversion to a text file was started (there was no easy way of exporting the quotes from After Dark) which in 1997 became this website. It was created using plain HTML which made updating a laborious process. It had a quite a bit of success but interest tapered off as there were no new additions. In 2009 the website was revamped to use a MySQL database to provide flexibility, a search option, and to slowly include new quotes found over the previous twelve years. Now twenty-seven years old and still adding new quotes.

Last five quotes added or amended

 I only drink a little but then I change into another person and that person drinks a lot. 
 The difference between grey and gray is that grey is a colour but gray is a color. 
 Belladonna: In Italian, a beautiful lady; in English, a deadly poison. A striking example of the identity of the two tongues. 
 If Irish were to die completely [in Ireland], the standard of English here, both in the spoken and written word, would sink to a level probably as low as that obtaining in England and it would stop there only because it could go no lower. 
 Drunkenness is temporary suicide: the happiness that it brings is merely negative, a momentary cessation of unhappiness.