British Legion Poppy Appeal

Quotes, Aphorisms, Laws, and Thoughts
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 Belladonna: In Italian, a beautiful lady; in English, a deadly poison. A striking example of the identity of the two tongues. 
 Drawing on my fine command of the English language, I said nothing. 
 He who does not speak foreign languages knows nothing about his own. 
Wer fremde Sprachen nicht kennt, weiß nichts von seiner eigenen.
 If Irish were to die completely [in Ireland], the standard of English here, both in the spoken and written word, would sink to a level probably as low as that obtaining in England and it would stop there only because it could go no lower. 
 The difference between grey and gray is that grey is a colour but gray is a color. 
 The opposite of talking isn't listening; the opposite of talking is waiting. 
 You're not truly bilingual unless your body language changes too.